What is the leakage protector?
Leakage protection, referred to as leakage switch, also known as leakage circuit breakers,Mainly used in the equipment leakage failure and the fatal danger of personal electric shock protection,With overload and short circuit protection,Can be used to protect the line or motor overload and short circuit,But also in the normal circumstances as the line is not frequent conversion start.
Leakage protector in the reaction of electric shock and leakage protection with high sensitivity and fast action,This is the other protective devices, such as fuses, automatic switches, etc. can not be compared.Automatic switching and fuse normal through the load current,Their action to protect the value to avoid the normal load current to set,So their main role is to cut off the system of short-circuit fault (some automatic switch also has overload protection).The leakage protector is the use of the system's residual current response and action,The residual current of the system is almost zero during normal operation,So its action set value can be set very small (usually mA level),When the system of personal shock or equipment shell charged,There is a large residual current,Leakage protector by detecting and processing the residual current and reliable action,Cut off the power.
At present this form of leakage protection device is the most widely used,
Leakage protection switch on the market According to the function commonly used in the following categories:
(1) only with leakage protection power off function,Use must be with the fuse, thermal relay,Over-current relay and other protective components with.
(2) also has overload protection function.
(3) at the same time with overload, short circuit protection.
(4) also has a short circuit protection function.
(5) at the same time with short circuit, overload, leakage, overvoltage, undervoltage function.
Leakage protector in the reaction of electric shock and leakage protection with high sensitivity and fast action,This is the other protective devices, such as fuses, automatic switches, etc. can not be compared.Automatic switching and fuse normal through the load current,Their action to protect the value to avoid the normal load current to set,So their main role is to cut off the system of short-circuit fault (some automatic switch also has overload protection).The leakage protector is the use of the system's residual current response and action,The residual current of the system is almost zero during normal operation,So its action set value can be set very small (usually mA level),When the system of personal shock or equipment shell charged,There is a large residual current,Leakage protector by detecting and processing the residual current and reliable action,Cut off the power.
At present this form of leakage protection device is the most widely used,
Leakage protection switch on the market According to the function commonly used in the following categories:
(1) only with leakage protection power off function,Use must be with the fuse, thermal relay,Over-current relay and other protective components with.
(2) also has overload protection function.
(3) at the same time with overload, short circuit protection.
(4) also has a short circuit protection function.
(5) at the same time with short circuit, overload, leakage, overvoltage, undervoltage function.