Seki St-22 Datasheet

St-22 Bimetal Thermostat - SEKI Controls - 세기콘트롤
SEKI Controls - Manufacturing and offering Superior Heat Response St-22 Bimetal Thermostat it has features of PBT Resin Case with Epoxy Seal, Automatic Reset Bimetal, Moisture/ Dust-Proof and Customization upon Request.
ST-22 - SEKI America
SEKI's bimetal thermal protector is used for preventing fire and damages caused by overheating in the circuit of electric & electronic products. There are three models in our bimetal thermal protectors including ST-12, ST-22 and CK serieses. ST-12 is used for overheat protection for hair dryer, electric fan heaters, popcorn ...
![[PDF]SEKI ST-22](/uploads/191229/1-19122915091G21.jpg)
LLIMITHDTLE. Preventing hazards due to overheating worldwide. SEK1 is always by your side. THERMAL PROTECTOR. FEATURE. - Snap Action. - Automatic Reset Bimetal. - Moisture/ Dust-Proof. - Superior Heat Response. - PBT Resin Case With Epoxy Seal. - Customization upon Request e APPLICATION. Overheat ...
[PDF]SEKI Thermal Protector
Page 1. SEKI. 51. Thermal Protector. Page 2. SEKI. 52. Thermal Protector.
![[PDF]ST-22 (Type P, W)](/uploads/191229/1-19122915093QK.jpg)
[PDF]ST-22 (Type P, W)
Home > Product > ST-22. ST-22. ST-22 (Type P, W). Feature. ○ Snap Action. ○ Automatic Reset. ○ 100% Water Proof. ○ Superior Heat Response. ○ High Grade Thermoplastic Insulated Cas. Application. Overheat Protection for Electric Motors, Fluorescent Ballasts, Battery Chargers, Transformers, S. Heating pads ...
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БИМЕТАЛЛИЧЕСКИЙ ТЕРМОСТАТ ST – 22 (тип W). Биметаллические термостаты предназначены для защиты электронной аппаратуры от перегрева. Электродвигатели, трансформаторы, балласты флуоресцентных ламп, различные нагревательные элементы – вот, далеко не весь список областей ...
SEKI Controls-ST-12, ST-22(TYPE P), ST-22(TYPE W), BRACKET
회사명, l (주)세기콘트롤 (SEKI CONTROLS CO., LTD). 설립일, l 1980년 10월 1일. 대표자, l 고 윤 대. 주 소, l 경기도 부천시 소사구 송내동 387-15. 자본금, l 10억 5천만원. 주거래 은행, l 국민은행 부천지점. 사원현황, l 총 32명 (관리직 13명, 생산직 19명). 생산품명, l 온도과승방지기 (THERMAL PROTECTORS) 자동온도조절기 ...
ST-22 105C (주)엘레파츠
(제품번호 : EPX67BTP). Thermal Protector 105℃,Normaly Closed 선길이는 제품에 따라 다를 수 있음,. 브랜드 : SEKI. 제조사 : SEKI. 원산지 : 한국. 브랜드샵 A/S정보. 이 제품은 국내 A/S센터 정보가 없습니다. 엘레파츠 고객센터로 문의해주세요. 엘레파츠 고객센터 게시판 바로가기: 문의전화 : 1600-8749. (VAT 별도). 500 ...
Thermostat refers to the working environment according to the temperature changes, the thermostat internal physical deformation, An automatic control element that generates an on or off operation, also known as temperature control switch, thermal protection, temperature controller, referred to as thermostat. Thermostat can be installed in electronic / electrical and other heating body. Comprising: a bimetal thermostat, a liquid expansion thermostat, mechanical thermostat, electronic thermostat etc.