KSD301, ksd302 thermal protector price difference
Ksd301 thermal protector on the market price is very chaotic,The whole product price difference of about 0.4RMB,But the gap between life there are more than 80,000 times,And the risk factor is immeasurable.Yaxun Electronics offers ksd301 various accessories price analysis for different customer reference.
KSD301 thermal protector has bakelite, plastic, ceramic shell.Diameter of 16mm aluminum cover thermal surface,Passing heat to the bimetallic sheet,The bimetallic plate is thermally expanded to push the two contacts in the internal spring to open / turn on the power.Due to different power,Thermal protector current is 10A, 15A, 20, 30A ... 60A and so on.Although the price difference between the product a lot,But the production process is the same,Mainly the product parts are different materials.
KSD301 thermal protector internal components are: bimetal (sensitivity film),Contacts (silver contacts | copper contacts),Moving reed (shrapnel),Static contact, rivet, terminal, aluminum cover, shell!
1, bimetallic unit price:
At present, the most commonly used domestic temperature film is the label of 1480 bimetallic film,Several major domestic steel mills,The quality of raw materials is better,There are some small factory relative to the relatively poor quality,Mainly bounce life is low,Temperature is unstable,So the price will be relatively cheap.High-quality products are imported bimetallic (bimetallic: US E.M.S (iridium magnesium alloy)),The price difference of bimetal is the main reason of influencing the price of products,
2, the material impact of the contact:
Contact is KSD301 thermal protector internal pass | off the power of the key original,Some manufacturers use copper contacts,Copper contacts in the off current under the impact of the arc, the service life is short;High life products, contacts must use silver | gold contacts;Silver; gold contact pressure and anti-arc impact capacity is much higher than the copper contacts,The relative price of gold is much higher than that of copper,So if the use of copper contacts, the product price will be much lower.
3, shrapnel material will also affect the KSD301 thermal protector function;If the shrapnel is made of stainless steel,Will also increase the stability of the product.
4, rivets are KSD301 thermal protector link external parts,Need to over-current and expansion coefficient of small materials;Some companies use iron, aluminum material,In the case of relatively high temperatures,It is likely to cause the shell to burst and damage the product.Therefore, the general material is a nickel-plated copper.
5, the terminal and aluminum cover is based on different products can choose a different material.(Terminal with iron copper plating nickel,Copper plated silver terminal conductive good,Relatively speaking, the cost is also higher)
From the above point of view,Because the thermal protector as a home appliance products (such as: drinking fountains, electric water heaters, warm hand Po,electric kettle, electric bar, coffee machine, rice cooker, etc.) key original,Related to the life of the appliance;So, consumers do not seek cheap,Please choose a good quality thermostat.
Technical Review: <What is Bimetal Thermostat>
Figure: ksd301 thermal protector Figure: ksd302 thermal protector

KSD301 thermal protector has bakelite, plastic, ceramic shell.Diameter of 16mm aluminum cover thermal surface,Passing heat to the bimetallic sheet,The bimetallic plate is thermally expanded to push the two contacts in the internal spring to open / turn on the power.Due to different power,Thermal protector current is 10A, 15A, 20, 30A ... 60A and so on.Although the price difference between the product a lot,But the production process is the same,Mainly the product parts are different materials.
KSD301 thermal protector internal components are: bimetal (sensitivity film),Contacts (silver contacts | copper contacts),Moving reed (shrapnel),Static contact, rivet, terminal, aluminum cover, shell!
1, bimetallic unit price:
At present, the most commonly used domestic temperature film is the label of 1480 bimetallic film,Several major domestic steel mills,The quality of raw materials is better,There are some small factory relative to the relatively poor quality,Mainly bounce life is low,Temperature is unstable,So the price will be relatively cheap.High-quality products are imported bimetallic (bimetallic: US E.M.S (iridium magnesium alloy)),The price difference of bimetal is the main reason of influencing the price of products,
2, the material impact of the contact:
Contact is KSD301 thermal protector internal pass | off the power of the key original,Some manufacturers use copper contacts,Copper contacts in the off current under the impact of the arc, the service life is short;High life products, contacts must use silver | gold contacts;Silver; gold contact pressure and anti-arc impact capacity is much higher than the copper contacts,The relative price of gold is much higher than that of copper,So if the use of copper contacts, the product price will be much lower.
3, shrapnel material will also affect the KSD301 thermal protector function;If the shrapnel is made of stainless steel,Will also increase the stability of the product.
4, rivets are KSD301 thermal protector link external parts,Need to over-current and expansion coefficient of small materials;Some companies use iron, aluminum material,In the case of relatively high temperatures,It is likely to cause the shell to burst and damage the product.Therefore, the general material is a nickel-plated copper.
5, the terminal and aluminum cover is based on different products can choose a different material.(Terminal with iron copper plating nickel,Copper plated silver terminal conductive good,Relatively speaking, the cost is also higher)
From the above point of view,Because the thermal protector as a home appliance products (such as: drinking fountains, electric water heaters, warm hand Po,electric kettle, electric bar, coffee machine, rice cooker, etc.) key original,Related to the life of the appliance;So, consumers do not seek cheap,Please choose a good quality thermostat.
Technical Review: <What is Bimetal Thermostat>
Figure: ksd301 thermal protector Figure: ksd302 thermal protector